Tuesday, March 31, 2009


It's official -- Scott is 31!

We celebrated Scott's birthday all weekend which was fun. Friday night just the two of us had a wonderful dinner at Tria in North Oaks. For those of you in the area, if you haven't been to Tria, you should definitely go! Great place for a yummy steak and the decor is beautiful! Saturday night was the celebration at Maxwell's. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so there is no photographic evidence of the night. I'll keep it simple and just say that a good time was had by all. On Sunday we celebrated two birthdays with the Carters -- Scott's and Danielle's birthday which is April 5.

It was a busy weekend but we had a great time!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Quote of the Day

I love this quote -- and it is SO TRUE!

Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.-- Carrie Fisher

Speaking of weird, Elmo had the hiccups for the first time last night. That has got to be the strangest sensation that I've felt so far! They lasted for about 10 minutes and then stopped.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Week 25

We've made it to Week 25. Yeah! Only a couple more weeks before we hit the third trimester. I can't believe how quickly time is flying. It's been fun though and everything is going really well. Here is a little synopsis about what happens with Elmo during this week:

The structures of the spine - 33 rings, 150 joints and 1000 ligaments - begin to form. The blood vessels of the lungs are developing and the nostrils begin to open. Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabega, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Scott and I are still working on potential names but we've decided to keep whatever names we decide on to ourselves until the baby is born. This way we can officially introduce the baby and name at the same time.

We had another routine appointment this week. Everything looks great with Elmo, who is still growing right on schedule. I look forward to these appointments every month so I can hear little Elmo's heart beat. It is such an amazing thing! We have another appointment in a month and then we switch to twice-a-month appointments. Yeah!

On a completely different, yet equally good note, Scott is celebrating his 31st birthday this weekend (it's officially on the 31st of March). We're heading out tomorrow night with some good friends to celebrate at "our" bar -- Maxwell's in downtown Minneapolis known especially for it's wings, fries and good drinks. It's such a great place and we've spent alot of time there over the years. Just over a year ago the place burned down but they did rebuild (after all the ice melted) and opened on the weekend of the UI-ISU football game last September. Just in case some of you don't remember, the Hawks won that game! Hehe! Anyway, have a great weekend and hopefully spring is on it's way!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Baby Bump Pictures!

Alright, here are some baby bump pictures. Scott and I didn't exactly get our acts together in time to do monthly pictures but oh well. The first picture is from Week 19. We'd just had our second ultrasound and learned that everything looked perfect! At that point I was feeling pretty good although the stomach aches were a constant thing because of the stretching of ligaments and muscles, etc.

This is a picture from Week 21. As you can tell, I'd gotten quite bit bigger! By this point the stomach aches and pains had pretty much gone away and I was feeling little Elmo begin to kick and move around inside my belly. At this point I definitely felt pregnant and not just fat. Yeah!

I'm definitely in maternity clothes full-time at this point! I'm also beginning to think that once you have a baby, you should be able to wear maternity pants forever. Honestly, once I gave in and accepted that my pre-pregnancy pants just weren't going to fit anymore, I became a much happier person. Elastic waistbands are wonderful, especially when you sit in front of a computer all day!

This is from Week 23. Again, it's hard to believe that I still have so far to go with my pregnancy. I look (and feel) huge already! One of the things that I've noticed with this enormous belly is that it is difficult to lean over the sink to do dishes. Scott is going to have to take over that duty soon (trust me, I'm not complaining too much!). Little Elmo is kicking quite a bit lately and Scott and I can finally feel him from the outside. I can actually see my belly move sometimes when Elmo's really active. It's fun to think about our little peanut moving around in there!

We are in Week 24 now, just a couple of weeks away from the third trimester. The time has really flown by! We have another check-up this week along with the dreaded glucose testing. Yuck! I'm not looking forward to that but oh well -- what can you do. Wish me luck!

Friday, March 20, 2009

More Ultrasound Pictures

Ok, I have a little more time this afternoon so here are the ultrasound pictures from February 2009. Enjoy!

This is a face-forward image with little Elmo's face looking directly forward. The two little darks spots are eyes, with arms and legs bent up.

Elmo's little leg! How cute!

Another image of the head and spine. Little Elmo is facing down.

Ok, with this one you can see Elmo's head and his arm is wrapped around in front. His other little fist is toward the top and you can see a bent leg too. (Don't worry, I had to have the ultrasound tech point all this stuff out to me.)

So that's the extent of our first pictures of the baby. It was love at first sight and we can't wait until July to hold Elmo in our arms. For now I have have to be content with the little jabs and kicks happening in my uterus!

Ultrasound Pictures

Scott and I finally had some extra time last night and uploaded some pictures from the first two ultrasounds. The first ultrasound was December 23, 2008 when Elmo was not quite three months along. It was so amazing to be able to see our little one so early. We were both surprised at how developed everything was. We could even see the tiny heart pumping away! It was the best Christmas gift I could have gotten! Here are some pictures....

This is a picture of Elmo facing down with his head on the right, his little arm and his leg. I love this one!!

This is a closer image of Elmo's head and body, again facing down. You can see the spine, fully-formed, running down his back.

Hopefully a little later today I will have some time to post pictures from our ultrasound in February. You can really tell how much our little one has grown!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's Official

Well, I knew this day was coming but I didn't know it would be so soon. It's official though, my innie is now an outie. My belly button, that is. Kind of weird but that means that little Elmo is growing and hopefully, thriving! I am in my 23rd week of pregnancy right now and everything is moving right along. Here is a little synopsis of what's going on with the baby this week:

Your baby weighs about a pound now! The body is becoming better proportioned each day, and the bones of the middle ear begin to harden.
If born now, your baby has a chance for survival. Let's hope, however, that the baby stays put for several more weeks! Your baby still has room to move around so you're probably feeling kicks, jabs, flips and flops. You may even see your abdomen move. Your uterus is about 1 1/2 inches above your belly button.

Exciting stuff! While I'm happy to know that we've reached the viability point, I want little Elmo to stay put for while and continue to grow and develop. As "Juno" says, "get a little cuter." Scott and I are planning on getting some pictures posted this week so you can see how big this belly is getting. Yeah!

Friday, March 13, 2009

In the Beginning....

I guess I need to start somewhere so here it is. The biggest thing going on in our lives right now is my pregnancy. On November 3, 2008 Scott and I found out that we are expecting our first baby! Yeah! We were both thrilled with the news and it's been an exciting time ever since. My first trimester went relatively smoothly with no crazy morning sickness or weird food cravings. I have been wanting lots of sweets but I think I need to blame that on my sweet tooth and not the baby. Oh well.

On December 23, 2008 we had our first ultrasound. The OB ordered an early one to determine whether or not we were having twins. Thankfully, there is only one little bun in the oven otherwise I think Scott and I would both have been a little overwhelmed. We had another ultrasound on February 17, 2009 and everything is progressing as it should. The baby looks perfectly healthy which we are thankful for! The due date is July 10, 2009 and we are anxiously awaiting the birth of our little peanut (we've nicknamed him/her Elmo). Despite some pleading from Scott, we've decided not to find out Elmo's gender. It's that one last big surprise and I'd like to save that for the delivery room. That being said, we both seem to call Elmo "he." Maybe that's mother's intuition, maybe not. We'll find out in July! Scott and I are both so excited about our new family and can't wait to see what the future holds! Stay tuned...