Can you believe it? Honestly, the last six weeks have flown by but it also seems like Jackson has been apart of our lives forever. I can't imagine my life without him! Things have been going really well. He's sleeping really well -- usually getting up once or twice a night which I don't think is bad at all! I had visions of getting up with him every hour or two so once or twice is totally doable. I'm getting more and more comfortable taking him out by myself and managing the stroller. We went to the outlet mall on Friday and did a little shopping. He slept the entire time (probably a very good thing) and I was able to try on non-maternity clothes for the first time in a very long time. YEAH!!
We've been having alot of fun with "tummy time" with Jackson. He seems to be really strong and can hold his head up by himself (although of course I can't seem to get any good pictures of that). Here are some pictures of our playtime:
This isn't the greatest picture but at least it shows him holding his head up.

Love that smile!!
Ok Mom, I've had enough of this whole "tummy time" thing. Stop taking pictures and change my diaper.
For Scott's birthday last spring, Elizabeth sent him a San Francisco Giants onesie for Jackson. Here are father and son dressed to cheer on the Giants! Somehow I see lots of these types of pictures in their future. Thanks Elizabeth!
And honestly, who could resist that face?

Well, not much else to report right now. As you can see, Jackson is really growing and changing. At our last appointment (about 2 weeks ago) he was up to 11 lbs and 22 inches. He's constantly moving and I think he gets frustrated when he realizes he can't do it all quite yet. We're working on it though.
We take our first trip up to the cabin in a couple of weeks. Jackson's first trip to the woods should be interesting. Mom's first trip alone with him should also be interesting! Hopefully he will sleep the entire time. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the last few weeks of summer!