Who knew a stroller would require that much assemby? Putting the crib together should be interesting.

What do you think? Great stroller, huh!!!

Scott is all set with the stroller and Baby Bjorn! Please ignore the mess all over the floor. Our house is in a constant state of "preparing for Elmo" these days. Right now we are just waiting on the delivery of the crib and dresser/changing table. Carol and Casey Carter generously purchased our glider for us. Thanks Carters!! Now we just need to install the car seat and have it checked out at the police station, wash all the new baby clothes and pack the hospital bag. I can't believe how close to D-day we are getting.
Yesterday the Carter clan got together at Chad and Danielle's house to celebrate Zachary's first birthday. The weather held up (thank goodness!) and a good time was had by all, especially the birthday boy who managed to make quite a mess out of his strawberries and cupcake. Oh well! That's what happens when you're one, right? In honor of his birthday, I'm posting some cute pictures taken when Scott and I babysat for Zachary a couple of months ago. Such a cutie-pie!

We're off to the cabin on Wednesday for the Memorial Day weekend. Yeah! This will be our last trip without having to pack a diaper bag and load the car with baby gear. I can't wait to get up there! I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday weekend!
Cute pictures!! The stroller looks great.