Ok, I know this is late and that most of you already know that Scott and I welcomed Jackson David Carter on July 3, 2009 at 2:30am. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 0 ozs and was 21.5 inches long. Here's how it all happened...
I had been scheduled for an induction starting on the evening of July 1, 2009. Well, starting in the evening of June 30 I was having contractions -- nothing particularly regular but they were fairly intense and I could tell that things were progressing. By the morning of July 1, the contractions were more regular and after a quick call to the OB, Scott and I headed to the hospital. After a few hours at Labor Assessment, the nurse deemed me not far enough along to admit so we headed home. The OB decided to skip the dose of meds to be admitted that evening and told us to just come in early on July 2 to start the induction.
Well, about 12:30am on July 2, I woke up with extremely intense contractions that kept getting closer together. I continued to labor at home until I was scheduled for the induction -- around 7:00am. These were by far the most painful contractions I had ever had. It's true what they say -- you'll know it's the real deal once it starts. There was no mistaking these for Braxton Hicks contractions. Once we got to the hospital, the induction meds were started right away and before too long everything was getting to be unbearable. My idea of trying to do this without an epidural went right out the window and by noon I was begging for pain relief. Ok, now for some advice for my pregnant friends....GET THE EPIDURAL!!! It's heaven, seriously! Once it kicked in I was able to relax and actually have a conversation. My mood changed instantly which I know Scott appreciated.
All the nurses kept telling me that I was progressing so quickly that I would probably have the baby by 5-6pm. No such luck unfortunately. Things stalled and by 9pm the OB started to talk about other options, namely a c-section which I really wanted to avoid. Before that happened I really wanted them to try every other option so they decided to up my pitocin and see if that moved things along at all. Well, it worked and by 11:30 I was pushing. Three hours later (yes, that's right -- THREE HOURS!) Scott and I welcomed Jackson into this world. They had to take him immediately to the NICU for some respitory issues but everything was fine and we were thrilled!! It was exhausting but worth every minute! We are completely in love!
Adjusting to life with a newborn has had it's challenging moments but we couldn't be happier! Jackson is wonderful and learning his little noises, tendencies and quirks has been fun.
Enjoy the pictures!
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