Friday, November 20, 2009

I need to buy stock in Caribou Coffee

Well, remember yesterday when I was so excited that Jackson slept until 5am? Unfortunately it was not to happen two nights in a row. He decided to torture Mommy by waking up at 1am and again at 5am. Both times he was hungry and devoured a 6oz. bottle. Thank god it's Friday since I really don't think I would make it through if I didn't have the weekend to look forward to. I know we are really lucky that Jackson sleeps as well as he does but it's still tough not ever getting a full night's sleep. I'm hoping the rice cereal that we're starting this weekend will help.

To help combat my sleep deprivation I'm posting some cute pictures of the little munchkin. Enjoy!

There is some big new around the Carter household lately. First, Jackson has found his thumb. After months of trying to shove his entire fist in his mouth, he's realized that maybe just his thumb would be easier. There are still plenty of times where he makes himself gag by trying to suck on his fingers unfortunately (twice last night he made himself throw up while doing this). We're hoping that the thumb-sucking will help calm him at night since he isn't into his pacifier anymore. His pacifier used to equal instant sleep. Now it causes instant crying.

Much of the time Jackson's thumb-sucking looks more like a fish hook than anything else. He'll get the hang of it eventually. It's still really cute!

Just hanging out at home in super cute jammies from Grandma! Gotta love those big blue eyes!

And finally, here is a video of Jackson rolling over. We've been told many times that he can do it and does it regularly at daycare but until last night, neither Scott nor I had actually seen it. Here he is in all his big boy glory! I love how excited he gets afterwards -- kicking his little legs at his accomplishment. Please ignore my really annoying, first-time mom cheering in the background. I honestly couldn't be prouder though.

This week we're heading back to Iowa for Thanksgiving. It's been several months since he had to sleep in his pack 'n play. Hopefully it will go well because I'm looking forward to a little relaxation.

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